So for anyone that had read the children's book Put Me in the Zoo, That's what I got to be for Halloween, just two weeks early! Thursday the 16th I started to get a little spotted, which soon turned into a LOT spotted. 4 benedryl and almost a whole bottle of calamine lotion later, I went to bed, still itching. Friday I woke up to these spots (see above).
Nurse Sue took good care of me, got me into the ER with a nice insider trick - if you are ever in the ER, tell them you are having trouble breathing, gets you in ahead of everyone except the bleeders.... and we all know they are faking it too anyways.... sheesh, the wusses. So they gave me some pills and took my blood, and 3 hours later the spots faded. Didn't dissapear, just faded, along with the itching.
So Saturday I get up and it's back, and WORSE! Against the doctor's orders, I upped my medication and took it more frequently. Well, I took a nap and woke up better. Strange.
And for the question everyone is asking - YES, THEY ARE REAL!!!..... no, wait thats not it. Oh yeah, what caused it? Noone knows. The spots started showing up after a visit to mom and dad's house, so we all sumized that I'm allergic to Dad. To prove it, Dad gave me a wallup on the wrist with his heafty fingers. I got a welt, but not an allergic reaction.... where's Gregory House when we need him? Gramma convinced herself I am allergic to shellfish, so I ate crab at work just to find out..... that's a negative. Who knows.
The plus side of all of this - have you ever been covered in calamine lotion? I'm not talking a spot for a mosquito bite.... I mean laying on the couch and having it poured on you.... it's quite exciting. And I've always thought I looked good in pink.
1 comment:
Holy leprocy, Batman. So what you're saying is, your nurse-fiance has to rub lotion all over your, what exactly are you complaining about again?
I think you're allergic to not having ever visited your 'lil big bro in Minnesota.
In a weird twist of coincidence, my word verification for posting this message is "suffer." Hmmm. Kinda like a fortune cookie, except not as tasty, and no cool Chinese characters on the back that tell you how to say marginally useful phrases in Chinese.
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